This morning I caught the end of a story on the Weather
Channel. They had been interviewing an
older gentleman about his childhood during the Dust Bowl. It sounded rough and my heart goes out to our Midwest
farmers in the midst of a modern day drought.
He explained the economic hardships for his parents and vividly
described the landscape of their farm at the time. However, he ended with the most “take-away” part of the
story. He said, “However, life was slow,
simple, and we had a lot of love.”
Wow. Then the weather correspondent
ended with a comment that had a wishful tone to it and how he longed for those
How sad that we feel those days are out of reach. Yes, we live in a fast society where I can
type, hit a button, and instantly anyone around the world can read my words on
this blog. It’s quite amazing when you
think about it. And I wouldn’t trade
that rapid-fire communication for the days of Pony Express. However, we also have the power to make our
family life slower and simpler. And it’s
certainly in our power to add MUCH more love.

Summer is half over and I’m glad that we have had a slow,
simple summer in our family. Each kid
got one week of VBS camp, we’ll have a family vacation to the beach, and the
rest is unplanned days. Sure, we have
day trips, but they’re usually planned the night before. And yes, there’s lots of time at the
pool. But if tomorrow my kids wake up
and say, “let’s go to the rope swing” we can do just that. We’ll take a lazy stroll down the path that
leads to the creek and find other school buddies already jumping off the swing
into a muddy creek. Those are the slow,
simple days we create and they’re always filled with love. At least that’s what I hope my kids remember
about their childhood.