Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Practical Tip #1: Always Include Your Kids

Practical Tip #1:  Always include your kids
The garden is my home away from home.  It’s where I can go to relieve stress, dream, exercise, and escape the to-do list inside the house.  As much as I’d love to keep the garden all to myself, I’m a firm believer in involving the kids in the growing process from start to finish.  Yesterday, February 27th, my youngest son and I planted our first seeds of broccoli, romaine, and sage.  The sage will be saved for later.  The broccoli and romaine we’ll transplant to the garden on St. Patty’s Day.  Alex is my budding gardener (no pun intended) and loves to be a part of the process.  Although statistics show that a child who grows veggies is more likely to eat them, he defied the stats and never tasted one last year.  However, he did take seeds, grow them into veggies, and donate them to the local food bank…a lesson much greater than a few consumed nutrients.  On the other hand, my oldest son who watched from afar, tried the veggies from the garden since they were homegrown.  So whether they’re watching or helping, always include the kids.  You’ll reap your own harvest one way or another in childrearing.

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